250 I6

The car had a 351-W in it.  It was a pain to work on and it fried my steering box (headers were too close and cooked all the grease out of it).  It was fun to drive but I just didn’t need all the hassles associated with the maintenance.

The car was an I6 with 3-speed manual from the factory, and I wanted to go back to something more reasonable in terms of fun to drive, economy, and uniqueness.  I also wanted to bring the car back closer to it’s original state.

I found a 250 I-6 advertised on Craig’s list.  It was from a 1973 Maverick and came complete.  After I got it home I did a compression test and found that two cylinders had no compression, even after squirting oil into them through the spark plug holes.  So off to the machine shop it went.

I found that it was a standard bore (now .03 over) and overall in good shape.  After getting it back I slowly started to integrate it into the car.  Most of it was actually painless and fairly simple.  It bolted right up to my T5 (which is why I wanted the 250) and pretty much into the car.  There was some fussing around with some aspects, which are described in more detail in the linked pages below.

Engine Mounts
Air Conditioner
Accessory Belts
Water pump pulleyEngine_Mounts.htmlAC.htmlBelts.htmlWaterPumpPulley.htmlEngine_Mounts.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1shapeimage_2_link_2shapeimage_2_link_3